Monday, September 30, 2019

Battle of the Atlantic Notes

Battle of the Atlantic The Battle of the Atlantic played a very significant part in World War Two. In World War Two, after the escape atDunkirk and the inspiration of the Battle of Britain, the Battle of the Atlantic was Britain's next nightmare. The Battle of the Atlantic was â€Å"the only thing that ever frightened me. † Winston Churchill. As an island Britain needed to bring in a vast amount of food and military equipment to survive the war. The German submarine force (U-boats) severely damaged our ability to survive the war – hence Churchill’s quote above when he feared we would be starved out of the war.A great deal of our raw materials came from America and therefore had to cross the Atlantic. In normal times this journey could be hazardous because of the weather but in the war the German submarines lead by Admiral Raeder proved a very real threat. Nazi Germany estimated that they needed to sink 150 merchant ships each month to starve us out. German submar ines hunted in what were called wolf-packs. British supply ships crossed in convoys and the ships that brought in our food etc. ere slow and they could barely protect themselves. After leaving America they were reasonably safe while in American water and they were also more safe when they approached British waters as we could give the ships fighter plane cover. It was in the mid-Atlantic that we were at our most vulnerable and where to start with the U-boats could run riot. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest battle in World War 2, which was fought in period from 1939 until the german defeat in 1945.It started in first days of war in 1939 when allied forces decleared naval blockad to Germany, immediately Germany launched counter attack. Struggles have led the greatest intensity from mid-1940 through to the end of 1943. At first in the fighting participated German Navy ( Kriegsmarine ) and German air forces ( Luftwaffe )that attacked Allied merchant ships and convoys. These co nvoys, which was often traveling from North America to Britain and the Soviet Union, they initially were protected by the British and Canadian navies and air forces.At the end of 1941 U. S. air and naval forces joined defense of the convoys. In June, 1940. Italian Royal Navy( Regia Marina )joined this fight on the German side. United Kingdom was higly dependent on imported goods, they need more than a million of tons of a various materials per week to be able to deffend against German attacks. The Battle of the Atlantic was war for materials and supply routes, Allies struggled to protect supply routes that provides Britain with goods that were required for making all kind of defenses against German air attacks.The Battle of the Atlantic started at first day of war and lasted for six years. There was more than 1000 single-ship encounters and approximately 100 convoy fights, this battle involved thousands of ships and were fought on more than thousands of square miles of ocean. The ul timate outcome of the battle was the Allied victory and the defeat of Germany,both sides have suffered great losses, Germany lost 783 U-boats and about 28 000 sailors, as well they managed to destroy 3 500 merchant ships and 175 allied warships and about 30 000 allied sailors. War lasted from 3 September 1939 – 8 May 1945 (5 years, 8 months and 5 days) †¢Because Britain was an Island it relied heavily on imported goods †¢The Nazis saw this and looked to attack and destroy and ships going into Britain †¢Without supplies Britain would lose the war- Mission of Nazis †¢The Nazi boats would attack in â€Å"wolf packs† (the U-boats attacked in large ‘wolf-packs’ – when a U-boat came across a convoy, it would radio its position to a number of other submarines, which would close in on the convoy.Then they would wait until nightfall and make surface attacks in numbers. On 18 October 1940, a pack of 6 Nazi U-boats attacked slow convoy SCâ €“7, sinking 15 ships in 6 hours. Next day, reinforced by three more U-boats, the pack attacked the 49-ship convoy HX-79, sinking 12 ships in one night) †¢The USA tried to help Britain. In August 1940 the US gave Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for Atlantic naval bases †¢The name â€Å"Battle of the Atlantic† was coined by Winston Churchill in February 1941.It has been called the â€Å"longest, largest, and most complex† naval battle in history. †¢The situation changed constantly, with one side or the other gaining advantage, as new weapons, tactics, counter-measures, and equipment were developed by both sides. The Allies gradually gained the upper hand, overcoming German surface raiders by the end of 1942 (withdrawn on Hitler's orders) and defeating the U-boats by mid-1943, though losses to U-boats continued to war's end. Allies won because Eight things helped the Allies to stop the U-boat menace. . The work of the British codebreakers at Bletchle y Park in deciphering the German Enigma code was vital in giving the Allied navies the edge in the Battle of the Atlantic. In February 1942, however, the German code was improved, resulting in ‘the Drumbeat crisis’ when shipping losses were their greatest – until March 1943, when the German code was again broken. 2. Sonar had been invented before World War I, but after 1942 the US Navy Department developed ‘console sonar’ which could plot accurate bearings using an echo ‘ping’.Training of sonar operators was also improved. 3. Radar was improved so that U-boats could even be detected in bad weather. 4. The British developed HF/DF (‘huff-duff’), whereby U-boats’ positions could be worked out from their radio transmissions. 5. Six aircraft carriers were sent to patrol the Atlantic, and this extended air cover to the whole route convoys took. 6. Air depth-bombs were developed so that planes could attack U-boats under the water. 7.Weapons called Hedgehog and Squid were developed which allowed attack ships to catapult depth-charges up to 300 yards in front of the ship. 8. The Allies set up hunter-killer groups of ships, including one aircraft carrier with a number of destroyer escorts, to hunt down and sink U-boats. Book Info â€Å"The Battle of the Atlantic† by Andrew Williams Quotes from book- â€Å"The U-Boat’s chief weapon was a surprise; the undetected rush of a high-explosive torpedo† – Boats weren’t prepared for this new technology of underwater torpedoes.This made U-Boats very effective. â€Å"Before sailing, all U-Boats had been issued with strict orders to operate within the Prize Rules, the international agreements governing the conduct of war at sea. Merchant ships were to be stopped and searched; if found to be carrying enemy cargo they could be sunk, but only after the crew had been safely into the lifeboats† – Again Submarines were really new, and they couldn’t go by the rules that all the other ships had (Prize Rules), they could blow up a ship with people still inside.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluation of Different Pricing Strategies

The models are based on the average cost approach to price setting but differ slightly In detail. The paper Initially examines the models from an analytical point of view. The paper then describes a simulation model used to evaluate the effect of both decision approaches over time. While the models are analytically similar the simulation results show that the long run behavior of the firm is significantly different under each approach. This work is part of the author's PhD research and represents ongoing rather than completed work. Please do not quote without prior permission. IntroductionThis paper continues the author's examination of firm growth using analytical and simulation modeling methods and which has already been discussed in Brady (1999; AAA, b and c; 2001). This paper specifically examines firm growth under two different managerial policies both of which use the average cost including demand pricing assumption discussed in Brady (2001). Methodology Two models identical in all respects but one were used in this research. Both models used the average cost including demand approach IEEE. Firms produce product at a certain cost and then set out to sell that product at a marked up price.The models defer in the policy adopted by the firm when production exceeds demand for their product. The firm in model A sells whatever quantity it can at Its marked up price as documented In Brady (2001). The firm In model B sells the quantity It produces at the price the market will bear [e. It sells at the price determined by the firm's demand curve. Model A Is more realistic In that firms Immediately realism that they have exceeded their demand curve In that they are unable to sell product at the marked up price and either they Increase Inventory or goods perish.Model B Is less realistic In that firm's cannot determine price with certainty from the demand curve (they do not know their demand curve with certainty): in practice firms must determine this price by some ki nd of atonement mechanism. Note Tanat tons osculation does not model ten atonement process itself; instead it determines the new price directly from the demand curve. In summary, when production exceeds demand, under model A the firm sells less product than it anticipates but holds its price whereas under model B the firm sells all it produces but at a lower price.Specifically model B differs from model A as follows: the demand function (P = a – BC) used is the inverse function to that used in model A (Q = a – BP); these two expressions are functionally equivalent. The models also differ in that in model A units sold were equal to the units produced or units demanded, whichever is the lower; in model B the price at which goods are sold is equal to the marked up price or the demand price (e. The price given by the demand function), whichever is the lower. In all other respects, including the values of all parameters, the models are identical.In the case of both models d emand is held constant throughout the simulation ‘e. The demand curve does not shift upwards or downwards during the simulation. Also, depreciation has been set to zero during the simulation and fixed costs remain constant throughout the simulation (IEEE. There is no step increase in fixed costs as described in Brady, 2001). Results The results of the simulation for model A are shown in figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. Examining firstly firm size, as measured by capital, we see in figure 1 that the firm increases in size until approximately period 50 and then firm size remains more or sees constant.To see why this is so we examine firm retained earnings as shown in figure 2. Here we see retained earnings increase monotonically until period 42 and then decrease asymptotically to zero. Figure 3 shows both revenue and total cost and clearly demonstrates this decline in margin. Here we see the firm maintaining its margin percentage until period 42; margin then declines dramatically until ap proximately period 60; margin continues declining asymptotically to zero. 01 2 0 1 Capital Accumulated_loss 125021002 Time Figure 1. Model A: Capital Retained_earnings 0050100 Figure 2.Model A: retained earnings This decline in earnings is due to the fact that production exceeded demand in period 42 as shown in figure 4. From that period onwards the firm incurred an increasing cost of overproduction and gradually its margin eroded completely. Although the change in period 42 is abrupt the firm comes smoothly to an equilibrium state (although unfortunately for the firm this equilibrium state is one of zero profitability). On the positive side, the firm never makes a loss as it stops increasing production at a point before its price drops below cost.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Career as an Adoption Counselor

Adoption is the process by which a person undertakes parenting of another person and permanently transfers all the rights and responsibilities of biological parents or parents in the process. Unlike custody or other systems designed to take care of young people, adoption is designed to achieve a permanent change in position, so legal or social recognition is necessary to gain social recognition Religious sanctions are necessary. Adoption shifts emphasis from adult adoption to genetics, and to the creation of children and families, and its structure has shifted to allowing reduction in intensity from the recognition of the continuity of adoption and relatives . Introduction Counselors support people in personal, family, educational, mental health, and career decisions and coping with problems (Counselor 1). Although it is part of their work to help students plan universities and careers, the overall function of counselors is to tell students, give advice, listen to questions, deal wit h coping skills Help them stretch out and learn to be good problem solvers and decision makers for them. (Your guidance consultant). Specifically, the school counselor plays an important role. A career counselor, also called an employment counselor or a career counselor, usually provides career counseling outside the school. Their main focus is to help individuals make career decisions. Career consultants will investigate and evaluate client education, training, practical experience, interests, skills, and personality traits. They can arrange capacity tests and performance tests to help clients make their career decisions. They also work with individuals to refine their job search skills, assist clients in finding jobs and applying. In addition, career counselors will support problems of unemployed people, work stress, or other career migration issues. The school counselor needs assistance, regardless of whether you are a high school student, needing information, choosing a career o r talking about personal problems. As a high school graduate, students are aware of their career and the role of counselors in the future. School counselors are there at every stage. School counselors play multiple roles in student life. Prior to this, counselors and students must understand each other so that students feel comfortable. (Working Introduction, 2011) When ... I think that the next important element in multicultural ability is cultural skills. A skilled counselor will use customer-based intervention to meet customer needs. Positive responses are linked to different cultures, communication is important. In multicultural counseling, counselors need to know more about the limits of counseling skills. I feel that acquiring cultural skills is essential to serve multicultural people.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Art analyze Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Art analyze - Assignment Example ation occurs because it will be difficult for the different income groups to intermingle since they tend to frequent vastly different places like schools and restaurants and other social places. This phenomenon will eventually lead to the various groups to identify themselves with different cultures be it music, sports activities or their modes of transport. In today’s society, for example, the affluent members tend to gravitate towards sports such as rugby, polo and golf; listen to classical music and in some instances rock music, while the less affluent tend to participate in sports such as soccer and basketball while listening to mostly rap and r ‘n b music. Personally I have used my various tastes to enforce my own class boundary. There are times when one is in a social gathering of majorly strangers and the small talk engaged in the various groups standing will be topics that each easily relates to. I will naturally be tend to feel more comfortable in groups discussing about soccer and r n; b music than in groups discussing the ongoing Polo tournament or rugby tournament being held in the vicinity. This is one example that one can use to enforce his/ her class boundaries. The other groups will also comprise mostly of people with similar inclinations to certain events or sports activities .These tastes have been natured over time since birth due mostly to the environment they grew up in . This is an inevitable occurrence in society and it can not in any way be described as discrimination. There are times one would like to attend a social function but one feels restricted due to mostly the conditions one is expected to adhere to in order to be allowed in the said event. This can be for instance a ball that one has been invited to for a date but one is required to attend in a white tuxedo. This can be a requirement put in place in order to narrow down to a certain targeted crowd of people whom the host may want to attract for his or her own personal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Early years in the uk context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Early years in the uk context - Essay Example care provider for one’s own children seems to be a complicated decision for anyone who understands the importance of wellbeing of children in their early years. The article seems to be divided into two sections. The first section deals with the comparisons being drawn between the ways in which middle and working class parents engage with child care in exploring their interactions with local markets. The second half of the article deals with working class parents’ choices of schools; it illustrates the importance of local connections for parents in their identification of a primary school. Both the researches are located in the inner areas of London where middle and working class was easily found. First a population was selected on which research was carried out. The families chosen were middle and working class families who had primary school going children; the primary focus was the second project that was the identification of engagement of working- class families with childcare. Interviews with the parents were used for the data collection. Interviews were taken, recorded, transcribed and then analyzed respectively. In all the cases the parents were given the choices of setting whether it was their workplace or home. The data collected was analyzed in two ways. Firstly through Nnivo, for data management and search purposes and secondly through hand-coding to identify and examine key themes and issues. Drawing out on the research data, this study shows that families of different positions comprehend and practice child care markets in very different ways. In London, the child care Affordability Programme offers subsidy in a form of help to the lower- income parents in order to assist them to access chilcare. During the research many of the working- class respondents commented that the tax in the form of subsidy was making it financially worth to return to the work. The research made it analyze that the financial resources was an expected difference

Worlds Leading Construction and Infrastructure Development of Balfour Assignment

Worlds Leading Construction and Infrastructure Development of Balfour Beatty - Assignment Example The analysis of Michel Porter’s five forces helps to increase the market value of the firm. These five forces would enable the company to have the insight of the competitors, and how the suppliers and rivals would affect Balfour Beatty to establish itself in Turkey’s infrastructure development industry. There is intense competition in the infrastructure development industry of Turkey. The customers of infrastructure development industry in Turkey especially the elite class are highly conscious about the quality of infrastructure provided to them and the risks involved within. Therefore; a number of infrastructure development companies are competing in the industry to provide better services to the customers. Although these rivals have a significant market share in the industry, Balfour Beatty has the potential to become one of the finest infrastructure providers all around Turkey due to their remarkable performance in the United Kingdom, United States, United Arab Emirates and other prominent countries of the world. It has created a market niche by providing product differentiation to its users. It is also using a low medium pricing strategy, which would help the company to compete easily in Turkey’s infrastructure development industry. A number of international infrastructure development companies are entering in Turkey, as a huge potential has been seen in this country and the economic development in recent years has been phenomenal. These new entrants possess a lot of potentials to become a threat to the local infrastructure development companies as they have an established name in foreign markets. Balfour Beatty already has established brand loyalty throughout the countries in which operates. These all factors depict a positive aspect and will help to lessen the entry barriers for the company to launch its operational activities in Turkey.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

Response paper - Essay Example Besides, he was a good student of Geography and I figured out he would be handy in giving directions using a compass (Ruskin 9). My friend and I got lost deep inside one of the Indian forests. We were scared for we were not sure of any help. We accidentally came across an ancient pot that had Sanskrit writings on it. I took it the pot because it would fetch a good price at a tourist shop. Marlin suggested we follow a footpath and see where it would lead. On the way we saw deciduous trees that were shading their leaves. Other trees resembled coniferous that the biology teacher had told us bear cones (Ruskin 22). Soon we were overcome with hunger. We decided to make a camp to rest for the night and continue with the search the following day. We tried to make fire to warm ourselves but we could not. As a result, we slept in cold under the moonlight. In the middle of the night, Marlin complained of digestion problems which were a result of eating cold food. As if the digestion problems were not enough, a vermin rodent bit him. I gave him first aid and hoped he would be fine the following day (Ruskin 33). The next day, he was blooming with confidence and looked healthy. I thanked God. No sooner had we started to walk than we saw a group of Indian hunters. We gave them our story and they showed us the way to the town. We were so happy for we knew, we would be safe at last (Ruskin

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Persian and Mughal Miniatures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persian and Mughal Miniatures - Essay Example As the essay declares the paintings were usually used in books. These are small in size. These paintings evolve from the practice of evaluating initial letter of the chapter with red paint. The materials usually used in these were perishable materials such as paper, cloth, parchment etc. This paper discusses that the are known for their realistic looks and intricate details. The picture planes are densely filled, high horizon line and there was a huge emphasis on the various patterns. Persian artist used bright colors prominently for their miniatures. Emphasis was on the Proper utilization of painting surface. Miniature artist start this painting with some theme in their mind. The artwork depicts the themes i.e. battles, court scenes and legendary stories. The two first and famous Persian artists Mir-Sayyid Ali and Abd-us-samad came to India along with Mugal Emperor Humanyun. The earliest work that comes under the category of Mughal painting is "The princess of the house of Timur". Pigments and materials used in the paintings. Wide uses of paper for the miniatures are found. After Humayun the Art and culture flourished in the regime of Akbar, Jahangir, and Shah Jahan. During Akbar’s period the miniatures were evolved into realistic and secular form from the un realistic and religious form. Akbar was very fond of these miniatures. He got it done for stories, legends, potrais etc.

Monday, September 23, 2019

MGMT499 U3IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGMT499 U3IP - Research Paper Example 1. Monitoring performance is graded as mediocre level because this is linked with all employees and it cannot be managed by one person properly. Influences of various persons as supervisor in this matter are the cause of complex and trouble for determination of commerce. 2. Setting fair standard is categorized as average level because this procedure is performed by all relevant persons with exactness and accuracy. People can make their life pleasant with this technique because this is cause of better performance in the community. 3. Quality overview is graded high because this is observable in the market and public opinion is favorable in this matter. People can make their businesses successful by realization of quality matters that are essential for business sensation. 4. Measuring performance is categorized as poor because its determination is not easy and simple. Authorized people are not performing their duties accurately as they are unable to measure performances with exactness and success. 5. Average grading is awarded for strategies to improve performance criterion. The major cause of this grading is mentioned as everyone like to make performance level better in the market but implementation of recommendations is not performed by all people. 6. Production decision criterion is graded as mediocre because professionalism demands to all people to present better products in the market. This status is also involved in the sensation of business because this is major cause of attaining customer attraction. 7. Pricing decision criterion is shown with average level because this is managed proper consideration of market status. This is confirmed that those people which have running their business plans with average level are managed with market status that is highly influenced in pricing matters. 8. Average level is assigned for input & output decision criterion because a common running of business is based of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Touch of Frost Essay Example for Free

A Touch of Frost Essay The first scene we see is of a boy (Billy) walking through the woods at night dusting of his knees. He is very well lit and has a mischievous look on his face also his face is cut. He looks surprised and panicked when the police shout at him and chase after him, once the police have taken him down we get a close up of Billy’s face it’s not until then we realise that the Billy is down syndrome and we begin to feel guilty when he shouts ‘I haven’t done anything wrong ‘we begin to wonder how has Billy done anything wrong when he is a innocent disabled person. The next scene we go to is a shot of Frost and Billy’s father in the corner of a dark room the camera shot used is a high angled shot looking down at the characters this is used to look like the camera is intruding or being nosey. Frost later uses some discriminative/offensive language and calls Billy ‘Mentally subnormal’ Billy’s father corrects him and calls him ‘Handicapped’ Frost discusses that he will have to have someone with him when he questions Billy in case he breaks any of the rules this is discriminative as it means Billy is different and has to have different measures in place for Frost to be able to interview him. The next scene we see is when Frost is interviewing Billy the scene is set in what seems to be a quite dark living room with a wall lamp on which creates a fading light over the set. We see another close up of Billy’s cut up face then there are a series of back and forth shots to give the effect of conversation between Billy and Frost. Frost is very intimidating towards Billy who’s seems paranoid when talking to Frost, we feel sorry for Billy in this scene as Frost makes it very obvious that Billy is responsible for the missing of his friend Trisha. There are a lot of camera shots over Frost’s shoulder aiming downwards towards Billy’s face this is to make Billy seem intimidated and belittled. Frost speaks in a very patronising tone towards Billy as he starts to become very hesitant with his answers Billy’s Dad is in the background of the shot this is to make it look like Billy’s Dad is looking after, supporting and protecting Billy. We are left on a cliff-hanger as we do not get to find if Billy did commit a crime this could make some people feel quite affectionate or sorry towards Billy because of his disability others could take an opposite view on it and they could think that Billy was quite perceiving and cunning and that he shouldn’t be treated or thought of any differently from the rest of us just because he has a disability

Friday, September 20, 2019

Many Words Can Be Used To Describe Martin Luther Religion Essay

Many Words Can Be Used To Describe Martin Luther Religion Essay Many words can be used to describe Martin Luther. As a reformer in the fifteen hundreds he was confident, bold, and controversial. It seems odd that the formation of his faith took place in one of the most pious endeavors one can undertake, the life of a monk. The man who passionately spoke against the pope, the Turks, and the Jews got his beginnings in the most humble of lifestyles. In the year 1505, Martin was walking back to Erfurt from a trip to Mansfeld in the middle of a storm. A lightning bolt struck him and he cried to St. Anne for help exclaiming I will become a monk.  [1]  this vow led to drastic changes in Luthers life. Luthers father, Hans, was very proud of his sons masters degree and was anticipating great things from his son1, and Martins vow to join the monastic life upset his father. Despite his fathers urgings, Luther took his vow seriously (believing it to be the will of God) and became a monk. Martin Luther entered the Augustinian Order in the Black Cloister of Erfurt. The life of a monk in the middle ages was not an easy one. The monks took many vows, the three key vows being the vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity.  [2]  The vow of chastity refers to sexual purity and abstinence. The vow of poverty led monks to dispose of all personal property and live simple lives. The vow of obedience bound monks to their superiors in the order and the church. The life of the monk involved an intense routine of worship services, prayers, confessions, and other religious acts. Luther was not brought peace by these acts as many other monks in his order were, but was instead tortured by the monastic life. Luther said I hoped I might find peace of conscience with fasts, prayer, and the vigils with which I miserably afflicted my body, but the more I sweated it out like this, the lest peace and tranquility I knew.1 He took the monastic rituals extremely seriously, leading him to rep eat prayers and other rituals over and over again if he felt he had omitted Luther once commented Along with many others, I myself have experienced how peaceful and quiet Satan is inclined to be during ones early years as a monk.  [3]  Luther was known to spend many nights in terror over spiritual matters, which further burdened his already stressful life. Although the life and rituals of a monk brought Luther no comfort, he was diligent in his performance of his duties. Luther said If anyone could have gained heaven as a monk, then I would indeed have been among them.5 An important occurrence in Luthers journey as a monk took place on Cantate Sunday in 1507. Martin Luther had the opportunity to perform his first mass. In attendance were his Father, Hans, and several of his spiritual mentors. He was worried about his ability to celebrate the mass perfectly. Luther said of the preface to the mass (where Luther addresses God the Father through the Son); At these words I was utterly stupefied and terror-struck. I thought to myself, With what tongue shall I address such Majesty. . .Who am I that I should lift up my eyes . . ? At his nod the earth trembles. . . And shall I, a miserable pygmy, say I want this, I ask for that? For I am dust and ashes and I am speaking to the living, eternal and true God! Luther was in terror as he stood unworthy before the one true God. This event had profound effects on Luther and his celebration of the mass. Luther seemed throughout his career as a monk to be constantly preoccupied with his unworthiness. This is one of t he many issues that haunted Luthers nights during his time at the monastery. After the mass, Luthers father rebuked him and reminded him of his disapproval by reciting the fourth commandment. Luthers first mass was a traumatic experience in his life. Another issue that haunted Luther was the practice of confession. Luther spent much of his time as a monk confessing his sins. Much the same as prayers and canonical hours, Luther was haunted with the thought of imperfect performance of confession. Luther confessed his sins over and over again to his superior and confessor, Johann Staupitz, who would come to have a great influence on Luthers faith walk. Staupitz eventually became frustrated with Luthers confessing and reconfessing and told him You want to be without sin, but you dont have any real sins anyway. Christ is the forgiveness of awful sins, like the murder of ones parents, public vices, blasphemy, adultery and the like. These are real sinsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ you must not inflate your halting, artificial sins out of proportion! Luther was reported to have spent more than one occasion in six hour plus confession sessions with Staupitz. Staupitz and Luther had many discussions over the course of Luthers confessing that helped shap e the faith of the young monk. They discussed grace and salvation through the blood of Christ alone, concepts that would appear strongly in Luthers reformation Staupitz made many attempts to convince Luther to become a doctor and was eventually forced to order Luther under his vow of obedience to become a doctor. After Luther received his doctorate in October of 1512, he engaged in deep biblical study in preparation for his lectures. He spent much of his time writing letters regarding theological matters. During this time his theology began to develop concerning the righteousness of God. Previously he had been frustrated with this concept, saying I felt, with the most disturbed conscience imaginable, that I was a sinner before God. I did not love, indeed I hated the righteous God who punishes sinners and secretly (if not blasphemously and certainly with great grumbling) I was angry with God, and said As if needed it is not enough that miserable sinners, eternally lost through eternal sin, are crushed by every kind of calamity by the law of the ten commandments, without having God add pain to pain by the gospel and also by the gospels threat ening us with his righteousness and wrath! Luthers concept of the righteousness of God shifted from righteousness being something that is achieved by humans to it being a gift bestowed upon mankind by God. This was a critical transformation in Luthers thinking that led to many other changes. Luther became increasingly unhappy with the practices of the church, particularly the practice of indulgences. Luthers frustration with indulgences led to the posting of the ninety five theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg. Thus began the protestant reformation. Throughout the Reformation, Luther put out many documents regarding many areas of the life of a Christian. Many of these documents addressed the monastic life that Luther struggled so much with in his younger years. Monastic vows were addressed in many of Luthers important documents including To The Christian Nobility, and On The Freedom of A Christian. Luther even condemned the monastic lifestyle as a blasphemous humanly invented service in the Smalcald articles, one of the items in the book of Concord. Luthers strongest condemnation against monasticism came in his 1521 document The Judgment of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows. This document was brought about by argument over the issue of clerical celibacy taking place at churches in Magdeburg, Meissen, and Wittenberg. Luther wrote Theses on Vows addressing this subject. He was urged to write The Judgment of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows. when it came to his attention that many monks were leaving of considering leaving their monaster ies. This book would serve as a guide or manual for a monk had left or was considering leaving. The concept of counsels is essential to understand when approaching this work of Luther. Luther shows that the teachings of the New Testament are split up into precepts and counsels. Precepts are the teachings that God has commanded us to follow. Counsels are teachings that may be beneficial to the life of a believer, but are not commanded. One of the problems with the situation regarding monastic vows is that supporters of vows see the commands of Christ as counsels rather than precepts. Luther holds the view that Christs teachings are precepts and following anything contrary to or even beyond the teachings of Christ is sin. This argument is of great importance to the issue of monastic vows. The first section of the book is entitled Vows do not rest on the Word of God, they run counter to the Word of God. Luther starts out his document by presenting monastic vows as a danger. The fact that monastic vows are not commanded in the Bible was Luthers first major issues with the practice. Luther says that the father of monks, St. Anthony did not intend for Christians to pursue a monastic lifestyle, the lifestyle was what he felt led to live. Only after St. Anthonys life did the monastic lifestyle become a vow. Luther also speaks to the authority of Paul in this first section of the work. He says that Paul had unique authority compared to most church fathers because his authority came directly from Christ. After making those two points, Luther says Let this principle be laid down: Whatever is commanded which is contrary to or beyond Christ is condemned. He goes on to say that this principle exists even if it is in an attempt to follow the saints of church fathers. Although Luth er does not believe in the divine authority of the saints or church fathers, he uses the saints in his work which would certainly appeal to a monk debating whether or not to leave the monastery. Luther clarifies the purpose of the gospel as he moves through this section. He feels as if part of the idea behind monastic vows comes from a flawed view of the gospel. The gospel is simply the promises of God declaring the benefits offered to man, according to Luther. The gospel, which frees us from death, sin and the power of the devil, should not lead one into a monastic life. This section also states that everything taught by Christ is necessary to be obeyed. The teachings of Christ are clearly laid out for us as necessary when he refers to them as commandments. Since the teachings of Christ are commandments, Luther says that choosing to follow something else such as monastic vows is Godlessness, blasphemy, sacrilege. Luther is extremely clear that virginity is never commanded in the bible. Moreover, it is not a counsel, biblically is not recommended for our benefit. Luther rebukes the church presenting virginity as something needed for salvation. Luther also says that monastic vows are improper because they cause monks to forsake their Christian duty, a concept very important to Luther. The first section of The Judgment of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows uses scripture and logic to show that monastic vows are not mandated or suggested in scripture, and in some cases can run contrary to scripture. The next section of the work is titled Vows Against Faith. Luther goes to lengths in this section to show that monastic vows are sins. Luther claims that those who take monastic vows are not placing their faith in Christ but in other things. Luther puts it well when he says They assess all the things of God by the limitations of their own human judgment, and found their faith not on the rock of faith but on the sands and swamps of their own unbelief. The belief in vows and therefore works is unnecessary in light of salvation through the blood of Christ. This concept goes to show the impact that Luthers time at the monastery had in his theology. The long nights he spent contemplating salvation and the long discussions he had with Staupitz through the confessional wall concerning grace were making their appearance in his theology. Luther cites scripture throughout this work, leaning especially on Romans on the topic of justification. Over the course of his work during the reformation, Luther was relentless in his defense of the gospel, especially when any party threatened salvation by faith alone. When Tetzel was at the height of his popularity, Luther was quickly on the defense, writing and speaking passionately against the sale of indulgences. This was also the case with monastic vows. Luther spent page after page giving passage after passage explaining that salvation was a gift of God, not achievable by works. To assist in making his point against monastic vows, he brings up that the apostle Paul said Everything that is not of faith is sin. Luther is very clear that monastic vows violate faith. The next section in The judgement of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows is entitled Vows Are Against Evangelical Freedom Luther takes time to define Christian Liberty, which he did in an in depth manner approximately one year prior to this work in On the Freedom of a Christian. Part of the freedom given to us by Gods gift of salvation, according to Luther, is that we do not have to place out trust in works. Monastic vows represent a direct violation of this concept in Luthers eyes. Luther An important part of The Judgment of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows comes when Luther speaks of the two ways to carry out works of the law. According to Luther, there are times when works of the law are carried out by our own will and effort. Works of the law are often done by the work of Christ in the life of a Christian. Luther says that vows can work in much the same way. It is possible for Christ to work in the life of a Christian leading him or her to make a vow in the spirit of freedom. In the case of Monastic vows however, Christ is not leading towards a vow. Christ cannot be behind a monastic vow because monastic vows attempt to further bind monks to the law (which as Luther stated earlier is not the law of God, but includes extra regulations added by humans). All Christians should have the freedom of the gospel, not the bondage of the law. Luther says that a vow complying with evangelical freedom would include a way to relinquish the vow. This is sometimes necessary accordin g to Luther who says If love should demand that the vow be broken and you were to hold fast to your vow you would be sinning. Luther began his document by destroying the authority of monastic vows. When he comes to his fourth section, Vows Are Contrary To The Commandments of God, he has also shown monastic vows as enemies of Christian freedom and of the faith itself. Luther begins the section by taking issue with the denominations of monks; They are no longer called Christians, or children of God, but rather Benedictines, Dominicans, Franciscans, Augustinians. In fulfilling the title of this section, Luther shows monastic vows being in opposition to both the first and second commandments. Monks, by elevating themselves above other members of the body in title and behavior, set themselves as the head of the church rather than Christ. This is a clear violation of the first commandment. Luther also presents monks as having an inflated view of themselves, believing themselves to be more pious, more worshipful, and more holy. Luther sees this as a violation of the second commandment. He says that by their action s and their view of themselves they blaspheme against the name of God. The practice of monastic vows is in contrast to the first table of the Ten Commandments, dealing with humans relations to God. Luther also accuses monastic vows of being in violation of the second table of the Ten Commandments, the table dealing with the reactions between men. The nature of the monastic lifestyle, seclusion and piety is a violation against ones Christian duty to his or her neighbor, or as Luther puts is a violation against love. Luther has now taken his views farther than before, accusing monastic vows and monks themselves of directly violating several of the Ten Commandments. The fifth and final section of Luthers work, Monasticism is Contrary to common sense and reason, showcases his God given abilities. Luther was well versed in logic and rhetoric from his schooling. This final section uses logic as much as scripture to put to rest the issue of monastic vows. Luther takes very basic biblical concepts and uses logic to show how monastic vows are contrary to the concepts. After this logical attack, Luther finishes the work with a Final Assault. Luther takes the ideas expressed over the lengthy work and condenses them into a conclusion. He shows each of the three vows that monks take to be unnecessary, unworthy, and sinful. The indecisive monk reading The Judgment of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows no longer has any questions as to the worthiness of monastic vows. Martin Luther wrote The Judgment of Martin Luther on Monastic Vows to help struggling monks, of which he was one, in their decision to leave their order. Many of the issues that Luther addresses in this work are issues that confronted him during his time at the monastery. Luther was haunted by the need to perform works to gain salvation in his time at the monastery. He was also haunted by the need to perform the practices and rituals necessary of a monk. He addresses both of these issues at length in his document. His time at the monastery makes this piece a very personal work for Martin Luther. Luther underwent a transformation during his time at the monastery that led to his reformation theology. After his theological transformation, he applied his theology to the issue of monastic vows that haunted him for so long. Martin Luther was profoundly affected by monasticism, which showed in the theology of the reformation.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Harlem Renaissance Essay -- Culture

The Harlem Renaissance In Harlem between the 1920’s and 1930’s the African American culture flourished, especially in areas such as music, art, literature, dance, and even in film. This soon became known as the Harlem Renaissance. With the entire positive and the negative situations of this time period the African Americans still seemed to have it all. The Harlem Renaissance came about because of the changes that had taken place in the African American community after the abolition of slavery because of World War I and the social and cultural changes in early 20th century in the United States. After harsh conditions for African Americans after the Plessy vs. Ferguson Trial many of them decided to move to the North to New York. By staying in the South they became more and more economically depressed and there was less of a demand for labor. Moving to the North became one of the best things African Americans did for themselves. There, men could vote and there was a better education system fo r children. As a result of World War I and the Industrial Revolution there were better job opportunities for African Americans as well. At the end of the American Civil War in 1865 many free African Americans searched for a place with education and employment opportunities. They ended up finding this place in Harlem, New York. This was where the first black middle class was created. In the early 1900’s the African American middle class began to publicize for racial equality. During this time W.E.B DuBois was the head of the civil rights movement. Soon after, he began to work closely together with other civil rights workers and activists. Together they discovered the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, also known as t... ...issance applauded the appreciation of the African American roots and culture. For example, literature written during this time showed artistic and imaginative ideas freeing black people from their past life and what happened to their ancestors just years before. Since these cultural experiences were now shared the African Americans celebrated this and today it gives us just a little bit of an outlook on some of our history. Works Cited Wallington, D. (2006) Harlem Renaissance Wiseman, G. (2008) How the Harlem Renaissance inspired a national community of black writers Watson, Steven. (1995) The Harlem Renaissance: Hub of African American Culture (1920-1930) Baker, Houston. (1992) Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance.

A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Glaspell Essay -- A Jury of Her Peers Ess

"A Jury of her Peers" was written by Susan Glaspell in 1917. This short story is entertaining but also tells the story of women in the early twentieth century. Ms Glaspell give you an idea about the hardships that women had to deal with, such as loneliness, lack of beauty, physical labor, and living in a male dominated society. The characters consist of two couples and a lawyer. The men are trying to convict Minnie Foster of murdering her husband while he was sleeping. The story takes place in Minnie's house. Throughout most of the play the men ridicule the women. This is ironic because the women are the ones that end up finding the missing link to the killing. Throughout the play the men are looking for evidence that would give Minnie a motive for the killing her husband. The men look everywhere for evidence; as they do this they poke fun of the women. The men just do not understand the hardships of being a woman at the turn of the century. Loneliness was a major factor for farmwomen in the early part of the century. Elaine Hedges quotes Faragher's statement saying "the single most important distinction between the social and cultural worlds of men and women was the isolation and immobility of wives compared to husbands" (Elaine Hedges 99). The isolation of the houses contributed to the loneliness women felt. The farmhouses were miles apart and could take up to half a day just to visit a friend. Women did not have time in their busy schedule to take such trips. Women were preoccupied with household chores and running the family. The men could combat loneliness because they had the advantage of going into town with the crops. At these visits they could catch up on the news as they sat in the saloons with the gu... ...ause none of them were small. To can fruit there is a lot of effort involved. The fruit must be grown, picked, and still canned. Ms Hedges informs her readers of the physical labor involved by quoting old diaries, "Friday May 27 This is the dreaded washing day" (Hedges 96). One must not forget that there was no running water back then. One load of wash took tremendous amounts of labor: "One wash, one boiling and one rinse used about fifty gallons of water -- or four hundred pounds -- which had to be moved from pump or well to faucet to stove and tub, in buckets and wash boilers that might weigh as much as forty or fifty pounds" (Hedges 96). This reason alone explains why Minnie is worried about her jars while she is in jail. As one can see "A Jury of Her Peers" was not only written for entertainment, but also to demonstrate how rough life for farmwomen was.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Death Penalty Is Unfair, Inhumane, and Ineffective Essay -- anti-c

Although the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution clearly prohibits â€Å"unusual and cruel punishment†, the United States Supreme Court in the 1947 case of Louisiana ex rel. Frances v. Resweber ruled that the death penalty is not cruel or unusual, and it is still in practice (Hartley 1). While all the other democratic countries have already abolished the death penalty, it is still legal in most of the states. As for today, thirty-five out of fifty states have capital punishment statuses. The state of Texas â€Å"had carried out slightly more than a third of all the executions in this country† (Death Penalty Progress). An issue of should or should not the death penalty be constitutional is at its rise for about three decades now, since the Supreme Court reaffirmed its acceptance of the use of capital punishment in the 1976 Gregg vs. Georgia case (Hartley 1). The arguments for and against the death penalty are strong on both sides, but the capital punishment should not be constitutional in such a civilized and democratic country as it is the United States of America. There are many people who see the ultimate punishment as essential castigation of those who do not value a human life. Nevertheless, there is a risk of executing an innocent person. A case of Cameron Todd Willingham may be just one example. He was convicted to the capital punishment for setting a fire and thus killing his three small children. After remaining on death row for 12 years, he was executed in Texas in 2004, but later â€Å"rigorous scientific analysis has since shown that there was no evidence that the fire in a one-story, wood frame house in Corsicana was the result of arson, as the authorities had alleged† (Herbert 1). Moreover, as Death Penalty Information Cen... ...015. â€Å"Death Penalty Progress.† Dallas Morning News, The (TX). (Dec. 2013): A14. Web. 30 Dec. 2015. Enquirer, Cincinnati. â€Å"Death penalty not a good answer to crime.† National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. 27 July 2012. Web. 3 Jan. 2015. Hartley, Rogen. "Capital punishment." In Schultz, David, ed. Encyclopedia of American Law. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2002. American History Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 30 Dec. 2015. Herbert, Bob. "Innocent But Dead." New York Times 1 Sept. 2013: A29(L). InfoTrac Newspapers. Web. 3 Jan. 2015. â€Å"There Is No ‘Humane’ Execution.† The New York Times 14 Dec. 2014: A30. Web. 4 Jan. 2015. â€Å"Top 10 Pros and Cons. Should the death penalty be allowed?† Death N.p., 2014. Web. 4 Jan. 2015.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

2013-14 BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 1 Assignment brief Essay

1. Know the range of different businesses and their ownership 2. Understand how businesses are organised to achieve their purposes 3. Know the impact of the economic environment on businesses 4. Know how political, legal and social factors impact on business. Context This assignment you will be required to research organisations that operate in different business environments. In the first part of the assignment you will have to research the purposes and ownership of a range of local organisations. The second part of the assignment will look at organisations based in another country. The research carried out in this unit can be used as a basis for more detailed study in later units. Scenario You work as a journalist at Northampton’s Chronicle & Echo newspaper which is planning to run a feature article on local businesses. You will need to visit two local businesses in order to carry out your research. Assignment 1.1: You have been asked to prepare a Presentation for the Editor that may later be used as the basis for preparing an article aimed at the readership of your local newspaper. The first slides to your presentation should include: a brief introduction to the two local businesses one business should be profit-making, e.g. Marks & Spencer; one business should be not-for-profit, e.g. Malcolm Arnold Academy your two businesses should vary in size a description of the types of your businesses a description of the purpose of your businesses, including the aims and objectives of your organisations a description of the ownership of your businesses. This should include an accurate, but not necessarily detailed, statement as to the extent of owners’ liability for debts. DESCRIBE the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses Deadline Friday 27th September 2013 Assignment 1.2: You should continue to develop the presentation you started in Assignment 1.1 with: a description of the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of your two different organisations an explanation of the viewpoints of different stakeholders and how these seek to influence the aims and objectives of your business organisations an evaluation of the influence of different stakeholders on one of your two organisations a priority ranking of the stakeholders of your organisation, e.g. 1 = most important, 5 is least important a statement about the importance of each stakeholder and why you believe this to be the case. Your opinions should be supported by evidence from different sources. For each piece of evidence state how reliable you think it is and why. DESCRIBE the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses EXPLAIN the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations EVALUATE the influence different stakeholders exert in one organisation The Chronicle & Echo plans to give a report as a follow up to your presentation, which was well received. In this report you will need to choose one of the two organisations from your initial article and compare it with an organisation from another country. This requires you to research a different economic environment, e.g. China or India, and to look at one business from that country. This business will then be compared with your UK business. Draw up a table of economic data for the UK and one other, contrasting, economic environment. Choose at least three economic topics and collect relevant data from two different countries, e.g. GDP, inflation or interest rates. Using the data collected in your table describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments (i.e. the economic data collected) on business activities within your selected organisations. Compare the challenges to their business activities that your two organisations face due to their economic environment, e.g. how does the inflation rate impact on supply costs or demand for your two businesses? Write at least one paragraph for each piece of economic data for each business. DESCRIBE the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation COMPARE the challenges to selected business activities within a selected organisation, in two different economic environments Deadline Friday 18th October 2013

Monday, September 16, 2019

Why Did Civil War Break Out in 1642

Lack of Money One of the reasons why the civil war broke out in England in 1642 was because of Charles' lack of money. To discover the source of this, we have to go back to the beginning of James' reign. James was the first King to reign over both England and Scotland, and when he came down from Scotland it is said that he was astonished at how rich England was, while James had needed to borrow money for his travelling expenses. When James died in 1625, Charles came to the throne, and he, like his father, had very little money.Once Charles became King, the County Faction1 wanted him to go to war with the Catholics in Spain, so Charles asked them for taxes to use on the war. They refused to pay enough, so the war was hopeless, and Parliament blamed the King for this. The reason Parliament granted so few taxes was that they wanted to make sure they were called again. Charles, a firm believer in the Divine Right of Kings, thought that he should not have to rule with Parliament, and the only thing that kept him calling it was money2. One good example of the way Parliament made sure they were called back in Charles' reign was tonnage and poundage.These were duties imposed on certain imports and exports. It was normal for these duties to be decided in the first Parliament of a monarch's reign, but in the case of Charles, they only decided on it for one year, so the King would be forced to call them again. Although Charles tried to ask for more money, Parliament refused, because they believed he spent it on his favourites. Because of this, Charles had to get himself more money. He began using the Church Courts, exploiting taxes such as ‘ship money'3, and selling monopolies and titles. He also opened a Court of Star Chamber, which he used to fine people heavily to raise money.Since the judges in the Star Chamber were officials of the Crown, and there was no jury, Charles could be sure of getting a favourable result. Parliament was furious with this, and immediate ly drew up the Petition of Right, which asked the King to stop illegal taxation. The King signed it, but only because Parliament threatened to impeach Buckingham, one of the King's favourites. The quarrels about money went on, and eventually Charles decided to dissolve Parliament. He reigned without them for 11 years. When the new prayer book was brought into Scotland, a group called the Covenanters attempted to invade England.Charles called a Parliament to try and get taxes to fight the Covenanters, but they refused4, so Charles dissolved them again. He was forced to pay the Scots ? 850 a day to stop them advancing, and eventually, in 1641, his money ran out, and he had to call Parliament – he was bankrupt and at their mercy, so money was definitely a key factor in the outbreak of the civil war. Religion Another major influence in the outbreak of the civil war was religion. The religious quarrels began right at the start of Charles' reign, when Charles married Henrietta Mari a, a French Catholic.Although Charles didn't choose to marry her – his father, James, set up the marriage – the public, especially the Puritans, didn't like having a Catholic as Queen. A few extremists even saw this as a sign that Charles was secretly Catholic! After the King dissolved Parliament, he made William Laud the Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1633. While Laud was Archbishop, he made many changes to the Church. Most of these changes involved beatifying the Church and bringing back robes for priests, statues and stained-glass windows. All these things reminded the English of Catholicism.In 1636, Archbishop Laud decided to introduce the English Prayer Book (which stated how services should be run) into Scotland. There was nationwide rioting, because no one wanted to follow the new Prayer Book. Scotland was a Presbyterian (Puritan) country, and they thought that the English Prayer Book was far too Catholic to use in Scotland. This eventually led to many Scots, call ed the Covenanters, marching down the country in an attempt to invade England. At this point, Charles had to call Parliament to ask for taxes to pay for the war, but was horrified to see that most of the MPs were on the Covenanters' side.Parliament agreed that the Prayer Book was too Catholic, so Charles dissolved them again, but after he ran out of money to pay the Scots (see the Money section above) he was forced to call Parliament again. Parliament first put Laud on trial, and found him guilty. Later they decided to execute Strafford on charges of organising an army in Ireland, where he governed. It turned out that this was a big mistake. As soon as Strafford was executed, the Irish Catholics rebelled against the Protestants, saying they were rebelling for the King.Although it was clear this was not true, Parliament did not trust the King when he asked them for an army, and so refused, believing he would use it to crush them instead. Foreign Affairs Another factor in the outbreak of civil war was foreign affairs. On the continent, the 30 Years War was going on, where Catholic rulers attempted to wipe out the Protestants in their countries. This fuelled people's fears that something similar might happen in England. Other foreign causes of the war were from Ireland and Scotland, and are detailed above. Charles' PersonalityAlthough it may seem unimportant, Charles' personality was a major factor in the events leading to civil war. To start with, Charles hadn't expected to be King at all – his elder brother, Henry, had been expected to take the job, but when he died suddenly in 1612, Charles became the heir to the throne. Charles also believed in the Divine Right of Kings. He thought, as his father had before him, that Kings were appointed by God, and could not be wrong. He disliked having to rule with Parliament, and thought that he should be able to do anything he liked. This caused much friction between him and the MPs. Parliament The Short Parliament When Parliament was summoned in April 1640, Charles had governed for eleven years without them5, and while this certainly went against the spirit of the English constitution, it was within the King's prerogative to do so. Charles was forced to call a parliament when the Scots rebelled. Putting an army into the field to deal with the Scots put a heavy drain on the royal finances, so Charles needed to levy a tax, which he could only do with the consent of Parliament. When Parliament met the gentry from the counties used the occasion to vent their frustration, with Harbottle Grimston and John Pym leading a catalogue of complaints.Three weeks later, Charles dissolved Parliament, blaming ‘the malicious cunning of some few seditious affected men'. This was known as the Short Parliament and it sat from 13 April, 1640, to 5 May, 1640. The war with the Scots did not fair well for Charles, but he eventually came to an agreement of ? 850 a day to keep the Scots at bay. The Long Parliamen t In order to pay this and get funds for a final settlement Charles had to summon another Parliament6. This time Charles could not afford to dismiss Parliament until he got what he wanted, and this gave Parliament an important card to play in what was to come.The Long Parliament, as it was known, sat from 3 November, 1640, for 13 years, until Oliver Cromwell suppressed it. It should be noted it was not formally dismissed until 1660, after the Restoration. Therefore, when Parliament met in November 1640, it was with a mood of constitutional reform. Of the 493 MPs elected: * 340 were anti-Court (the County Faction) * 64 were for the Court (supporters of the King) * 59 were of an unknown disposition * 17 were disabled from sitting (these were mainly of the ‘Court Camp') * The remaining 13 were probably of the Court Faction.Parliament pinned the blame for what went wrong on the King's advisors, rather than Charles himself, sending both Strafford and Laud to the Tower. Charles also tried to heal the rift by signing Strafford's death warrant, passing a bill that allowed for Parliament not to be dissolved without its own consent, a bill making ‘ship money' illegal and other bills that taken together demolished the framework of prerogative government. The Thrilling Climax All of these causes led to some key events in 1641 and 1642. It turned out that the execution of Strafford had been a mistake. Without Strafford to reign over Ireland, the Irish rebelled in 1641.This raised an insoluble problem; who would command the Army, King or Parliament? John Pym took the initiative by issuing the Militia Bill and, more importantly, the Grand Remonstrance. It listed all the things Charles had done wrong in his reign, suggested less power for bishops, and said that Parliament should have power over the Church and the appointment of Royal ministers. It was passed by 11 votes, which meant that, while most of the Commons had previously been against him, now almost half o f them supported him. However, it was after this that the King made a foolish move.On the advice of his Queen (who was used to French politics, where the King had much more power over the way the country was run), Charles decided to arrest the five ringleaders, including Pym. On 4 January, 1642, Charles attempted to get into the Commons to arrest the five MPs, and found that after he and his guards had battered the door down, the MPs had been warned and weren't there. This action turned most of Parliament against him once more, because it was held to be a breach of Parliamentary privilege7. On the next day, the escaped MPs paraded up and down London guarded by the Trained Bands, an army of part-time soldiers.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The paper shall proceed by providing

The paper shall proceed by providing a complete and concise introduction of amazon. ae so that a foundation can be established in order to follow further on with an elaboration upon the numerous fundamental internal and founding aspects that can influence the success of the brand. It is essential to highlight here that there are certain suppositions that have been made in the paper. However, in order to add originality to the development of the paper, it is necessary to highlight at this point that the paper has considered amazon. ae to be a UAE version of the well known website, amazon. com and shall proceed with knowledge acquired from sources that have analyzed the same in the past.Amazon. ae Amazon. ae is the world’s largest online retailing organization that generates revenues worthy of envy even from the toughest names in the business. It was founded in the year 1994, and the initial product it offered online was an online bookstore, however as the years progressed it br anched out into various product lines and brand extensions. The various product lines it adopted beneath the shade of its vast umbrella were VHS, CD’s DVD’s, furniture, toys, apparel, electronics and many others.It is due to the eventful branching out of various product lines that Amazon. ae is the most famous, easily accessible, reliable where deliveries are concerned and constitutes a large number of clientele that it maintains to its credit. Due to the difference in product lines and the necessity of marketing in regions where the products were most needed it was highly necessary that its online information be easily available in all conspicuous regions of the world where easy access would be the name of the game (Rich).Therefore it has established different websites in many different regions like, The United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Dubai, China and Japan. Due to its ultimate success in whatever product it adopted, a necessary survey and inspection was car ried which yielded a result that claimed that Amazon. ae was the favorite music and video retailer in the UK and held third position in all around global retail rankings. Although its Headquarters are in Dubai, Amazon. ae has many regional offices around the globe, which makes its services easily accessible.This way the consumers if facing any difficulties, find Amazon. ae headquarters close at hand where they can review their situation and find solutions at the customer representative’s helpline and helpdesk. This serves to make Amazon not only a web based organization that would face suspicions of fraud and mistrust, but a tangible organization with a solid background and reputation. Apart from its offices Amazon. ae has adopted many software houses to assist in its numerous features, these are located within the Indian, Chinese and USA locale.Amazon. ae not only provides retail selling services but also provides fulfillment warehousing services for various globally reputed companies in the following regions like Delaware, Phoenix, Nevada, Kentucky, Texas etc. Amazon. ae recognizes the ultimate necessity of customer and client feedback. It has established a highly efficient customer review monitoring system which monitors customer feedback, recommendations and complaints so as to leave no room for mishaps. If any negative comment is recorded, immediate action is taken to rectify the error.It is due to the caution and care with which Amazon. ae performs its duties that it is reputed as the most reliable and trustworthy web based organization with efficiency that rivals a tangible organization with tangible services. The customer reviews monitoring system is not the only extent that Amazon. ae has gone to, it has further established means for each and every customer to actually rate and comment on each product that the customer favors or shows interest in to buy. This way on a scale of 1 to 10, offers products of limitless ranges, from somethi ng as cheap as a set of tarot cards and baby’s toys to intricate electronic appliances, all based on the customers likes, dislikes, needs, wants and economy of income. A fact of importance, Amazon. ae customers need not possess separate accounts; all accounts to be held by any customer of Amazon. ae are handled and maintained by Amazon. ae itself. This is a feature that provides Amazon with a distinct edge, at least an edge over eBay. StrategyIn order to develop a concrete marketing, it is essential to follow the approach that pertains to the four P’s which elaborate upon the price, promotion, and product and positioning of the brand. These four allow the complete, concise and concrete analysis and determination of the strategy that a brand should be subjected to during its development and launching. It is for the same reason that the following paragraphs shall elaborate upon the possibilities that amazon. ae can implement in light of the introduction to amazon. ae tha t has been presented above. PriceIn terms of price, it is necessary to understand that amazon. ae is serving as a sales person or as a middle man for a wide variety of products, in this regard, it is essential that in order to avoid the occurrence of instances where website visitors who are potential website visitors choose to opt for another internet based service to buy the same products that amazon. ae has to offer (McGraw-Hill). It is therefore essential that amazon. ae uses advertising space to generate the major part of its revenues and ensures that the products being offered on are of a price that the consumer does not feel inconvenient in any way (Sweeney). If a consumer finds a cheaper copy of the same book or a version of the same jacket at a lesser price at another online store, there will be almost no chances that the consumer will not opt to save money. In the same regard, it is just as essential to realize that amazon. ae exists in a market where there are al ready a large number of players in the same field, and it is therefore imperative that offers one or the other augmented product or service that consumers cannot find or take advantage of from another online source (M. Gordon Hunter). Promotion With concern to promotion, it is necessary to see that amazon. ae will be known for its reputation as a web based portal through which consumers can attain their desired products rather than as a commercial entity, it is therefore necessary to ensure that the promotion for amazon. ae is carried through the use of websites that users can be expected to switch to in the absence of amazon. ae. Hence, in technical terms, will be generating a void by introducing consumers to a web based portal where their multiple needs can be entertained in one go, and will then offer itself as the solution to fill that void. Product In terms of product, one cannot help but accept the fact that having established credibility and reliability, a mazon. ae has an opportunity to become the Mark & Spencer of online stores. It is therefore important to realize that amazon. ae offers itself as one product that brings a vast range of commodities in access (Rich). It is therefore necessary to ensure that is introduced and its reputation is maintained to be that of a complete package rather than that of a link to other links. Position Internet based services such as amazon. ae is currently providing a successful blend of products and services that enable them to attract a wide range of consumers. The can position themselves in a manner that enables them to appeal to consumers from all segments and industries from the society. Perhaps the one factor that contributes to this aspect the most significantly is that with the help of a single drop down menu, websites such as can direct the website visitors to the precise areas of the website where they can find their desired product, hence allowing amazon. ae to positi on itself in a manner that is somewhat compatible with as many consumer segments as possible. Works Cited M. Gordon Hunter, Felix B. Tan. Advanced Topics in Global Information Management. Pennsylvania: Idea Group Inc, 2002. McGraw-Hill. Business week. California: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Rich, Jason R. The unofficial guide to starting a business online. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2006. Sweeney, Susan. 101 Ways to Promote Your Web Site. New York: Maximum Press, 2004.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Psychology and Christianity Integration Paper Essay

Psychology and Christianity: two subjects that have seem to become almost impossible to talk about hand in hand. Psychology has become one completely different subject than Christianity (theology) and both have lost all contact with the other. Psychology is strictly a science and Christianity is solely based on faith and religion and the two can not be integrated together. The real question is why? Why can’t psychology and Christianity be integrated and used together as one? This paper will give some dictionary definitions of both subjects, will provide definitions based on the authors opinion, and will discuss the authors viewpoint on the integration of the two. The American Heritage dictionary defines psychology as â€Å"the science that deals with mental processes and behavior† (American Heritage Dictionary, 2000) and defines Christianity as â€Å"the Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus† (American Heritage Dictionary, 2000). As you could see, both definitions used the words science and religion placing both subjects in their own categories. In modern days, religion and science can not be compared but rather contrasted. The integration of the two does not make sense for those who believe there should be empirical evidence for everything or people who are dependent on the Christian religion and this is where society runs into a problem. The author of this paper, however, believes there should be no problem integrating the two. In her eyes, psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, not necessarily a science but more a study. She does not use the word science because she understands that there are things in the field of psychology that have no empirical answer and therefore can not necessarily be a science, because all things science can be tested and proved. Being a Christian, she believes Christianity is a name for the faith in her Lord Jesus Christ. Because she is a Christian, her window to the world has been shaped through the Word,  her experience and what she knows to be true. In her eyes, God is the creator of the Earth and the Heavens and all things work because of Him. She believes that all things can be integrated with Christianity (theology) because God brought everything to this world. She has confidence in the fact that psychology and Christianity can be integrated. She sees the faults that can come of it but she also does not see a reason for complete separation. According to the American Heritage Dictionary (2000) defines integration as making something a whole, unifying different things as one. The author of this paper understands the integration of psychology and Christianity like this†¦psychology is the head (mind) and Christianity is the heart (soul) but neither one can work without the other. Because of the progression of the world, with technology, science and the need to prove all things empirically, faith has, in a way, been pushed away and not as important, but this is wrong. God is the one that has placed people on this Earth to provide progression and advances and without Him all things would not be possible. So, in order to fully understand these different non-theological subjects it is important to understand that faith and religion are the reason for all other subjects and that integration is actually completely necessary. But there are limitations to this. The advances of science and technology have molded the human mind into thinking that there is a need for proof because are very few things that cannot be proven and why would believe in something that cannot be proven when there are so many things that have been empirically proven? This is where the idea of integration gets messy because there is no experiential way to prove the existence of God and his all-mighty power. But this argument can be debated even further. Let’s take a peek at the idea of the unconscious mind. Clearly this is a psychology topic but why can’t it be related to faith because indeed the unconscious mind has not been completely proven. There is proof that there is such thing as the unconscious but no tangible proof of what goes on and what controls the unconscious. For example, there is no way to prove or disprove the topic of ones dream. A scientist can set someone up to an EEG and measure their brainwaves while they are dreaming but there is no way to prove or measure the content of  their dream. This is much like faith. One can be tested on the existence of their faith and religion but there is no true way of proving it; but there is also no true way of disproving it. So what now? Well in the eyes of the author there is no answer. Either you believe in the possibility of integration or you do not, and a majority of people who do have had an experience that has allowed them to see the true importance of said integration. The other problem that arises with integration is that some Christians are overly explicit with their beliefs. This is bad because people, in these days, are afraid of explicit people so these type of Christians are shut out by people in the scientific realm, because yes God created science but for those that do not understand that going after it in that way turns them off. Psychology has its domains and Christianity has its domains but there is some overlap†¦it is when to approach that overlap that gets messy. There is also the secular stand of â€Å"Christians being hypocrites.† There is a chance that psychology and Christianity have become so separated because some Christians do not want to be judged by other Christians. Back in the day, Christians would go to their pastors for help but now, because of fear of judgement, Christians want an outside view, a psychologist. Now, in this context, it is hard for integration. But this is not what integration needs to mean. Integration is simply unifying two things as one. Understanding that God created the Earth and the Heavens and that all things are made and work in God’s power allows for integration to happen.   So what do we need to do? Do we need to come up with both a psychological and theological definition for integration? No. We simply need to come to the conclusion that Christians will believe in Christian ways and scientists will believe in scientific ways and how both understand integration will be dependent on each individuals life, experience and truth. Because on both ends of the spectrum, there are unanswered questions and there will always be unanswered questions. Questions like who is God? what is sin? how do we measure God’s truth? who says Scripture is true? what does faith look like? what is the unconscious? how do we measure the content of dreams? how do we  measure the idea of â€Å"seeing the light?† These are all important questions but questions that without extreme progression and world advances will not be answered. That type of progression will not exist in the lifetime of this author so what she has concluded is that God created the world and the Heavens and that he creates all things in it. Therefore, in order for science to work, in order for psychology to work, there must be an acceptance of it being God’s world. Because if there is no God, there were did all this stuff come from?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Communication with My Father Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication with My Father - Essay Example Bound by respect, kindness, and love, our ever-growing communication continuously gives me the motivation to achieve my dreams. My communication with my father has made me understand the value of respect. In our culture, children are expected to love and respect their parents at all times. Children do not answer back whenever being reprimanded, and they obey their parents’ will no matter what. In my case, I have developed respect for my parents not only because of our culture but also because of the way they have treated me with respect. Specifically, my father demonstrated to us, his children, what respect means by listening to us and giving us the freedom to speak up and say what we feel. As a family, we make time to listen to each other by gathering every night to discuss what happened to us during the day. My parents listen to our stories and advise us when we need their advice. By allowing us to express what we feel, my parents show us the importance of listening to peopl e and respecting their feelings. After the family meeting, I spend time with my father whenever I have the time. My father shows me what respect means by listening attentively and looking into my eyes. My communication with my father is also characterized by kindness. I have a feeling that my father favors me over my siblings. Thus, he is often kind and gentle to me than to my brothers and sisters. I feel this is unfair and should be changed so that my siblings will enjoy the same privileges I enjoy. Nevertheless, I am grateful to my father for showing me kindness each day. He has been very supportive of me since I was a child. We spend time doing a lot of things and telling stories. We enjoy each other’s company and often while away time with stories to tell. He is like a best friend to me whom I can count on in times of disappointments. However, unlike a friend who expects something in return, he does not pressure me to comply with his expectations. This is so because I kno w what he wants for me and I usually do what I think would please him. I do not ever want to disappoint him because he is my role model. If I fail to be good, I know that he will be disappointed. Thus, to avoid disappointing him, I study hard and limit the time I spend with my friends. In return, he is very kind to me and supports me in every endeavor. Love is also an important factor in our communication. The love of my father serves as my fountain of gladness. It gives me the motivation to strive hard and succeed in my dream, express hope and compassion towards others, and deal with other people with respect. I can feel the love of my father as he communicates with me. He is always after my benefit. Every time we talked, he inquired about my studies, health, activities, and other personal matters. As a son, I feel secure to have him around asking that way. Other children may find my father’s inquiries limitative of their freedom but I never thought of that. Whenever my fath er inquired about my whereabouts, I tell him everything and keep no secrets. He does the same and shares his problems. This way, we enjoy an open-line communication. However, one problem that I have is how to convince him to quit smoking. It concerns me a lot whenever I see him smoking and coughing at times or struggling for breath. Despite what he is feeling, he never stops smoking and would not like to be reprimanded about it. It hurts me to see him smoking because it could take his life

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I will upload files that include the topic Essay

I will upload files that include the topic - Essay Example The people in the story are exiled from the memories of China and find difficulty in establishing their own identity in an estranged country. Both the stories talk about the people who come to America to construct their life leaving their home, family, attachments and jobs. However the story â€Å" Brave We Are† is more of accepting various culture than the Chinese immigrants of â€Å" The Good Fall†. The two stories talks about hybridity and cultural differences faced by American immigrants . (Thesis) People get mixed and children born out of such hybridity bring multiculturalism which can be a brave action but still a matter of concern. According to ( Naqvi 932)â€Å" Brave we are, we who answer questions that spill forth artlessly from the mouth of nine year old purist questions that can neither be waved not dismissed with ambiguity† The characters in both the novel were not able to switch culture easily as they think . According to(Jin 229) â€Å" Mark Zong has ordered him to leave, but the monk went to a park and hanged himself instead†. By birth, their identity had been shaped by their culture and religion. Being a Muslim from Pakistan, it was not easy for Naqvi to change her cultural identity. As per (Varnum 9-13) â€Å"Cultural psychologists have consistently found different patterns of thinking and perception in different societies, with some cultures demonstrating a more analytic pattern and others a more holistic pattern†. She was locked in to a solitary culture and could not embrace the American culture completely. The American culture is new to Naqvi and being a foreigner accepting the modern life of America is a strange concept for her as well as the Chinese immigrants in â€Å" A Good Fall†. In the novel â€Å" Brave We are†Naqvi a mother faces threats when her son ask her about the meaning of hybridity. She tries to answer the question without her son going deep into the subject. She finds it absurd about the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

THE PRE-SOLICITATION NOTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

THE PRE-SOLICITATION NOTICE - Essay Example Contracting processes normally are slower and require spending a lot of time and resources on checking and verification of the offices or other property and this can be sped up through pre solicitation process. Since notices of buying attract many people, pre solicitation notices assist in sorting out the potential buyers from the rest of the group and this also saves a lot of lost hours in trying to determine the serious buyers from the whole lot. The process should have oral presentation where the contract bidders are offered enough information about the process especially its importance and even allowed to ask question. This will enable them make an elite choice or decision in regards to the contract. The language in the pre solicitation notices should be simple and to the point. These notices have technical language which confuses many people and especially the first time contract bidders that they fail to understand what they are getting into. Lastly is the shortening of the notice and the notice process. Many contract bidders are busy and have little patience for long processes not to mention a lengthy notice which they are required to read through before agreeing to it. Reducing the wording and the process altogether will really help the first time contract

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business Environment and Strategic Management Assignment - 1

Business Environment and Strategic Management - Assignment Example This essay stresses that Nokia could use an alternative strategy for developing its activities. Instead of being relied on the financial support of Elop, the firm should try to update its strategies; a restructuring of the firm’s units could help to the limitation of the firm’s costs, in the context described above, and the stabilization of the firm’s performance. Moreover, following this practice, the firm could manage to develop its performance, even in the long term. In any case, as proved through the figures presented above – and through the relevant graphs – the problem of the firm is not its sales but its profits; in other words, there is no need for increasing sales – even if such perspective would be positive for the growth of the firm – but to increase the profits; in this context, there is an issue of update of the firm’s management strategies and not of improving the firm’s brand name or achieve other benefits that refer to the firm’s image in its market. This paper makes a conclusion that investing in Nokia would be strongly suggested. The firm is in a period of restructuring. For a while, its performance may be under pressure; however, in the long term, the improvement in the firm’s profitability can be considered as secured. Indeed, the initiatives developed by the firm’s new leader are expected to lead the firm to a significant growth, if taking into consideration its market share and its prospects having access to Android-based devices and iPhone.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Samsung Group (FINAL) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Samsung Group (FINAL) - Assignment Example Data Collection Method 8 Data collection process for the project 8 G. References 10 A. Background & Rationale Profile of the Organization Samsung is one of the leading electronic organizations around the globe. The organization introduced huge range of products in global market. Therefore, it is easy and convenient to conduct a research study on Samsung. This study will highlight various aspects of Samsung Electronics’ global value chain. Samsung Group is a South Korea based multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Seoul. The organization was founded in the year 1938 by Lee Byung-Chul (Peng, 2012). Over the next few decades the organization diversified into textiles, food processing, retail, securities and insurance industries. Electronic goods, semi conductors and mobile phones are Samsung’s key sources of income for the company (Chang, 2011). In terms of revenue, Samsung was recognized as the largest information technology company in the year 2012. In addit ion, Samsung Heavy Industries was considered the second largest shipbuilder around the globe measured by 2010 revenue. Presently the organization has more than 1000 business entities around the globe. ... This report will focus on two divisions of Samsung Electronics, such as connected media development and mobile media. The study will outline the innovation opportunities for the global organizations by determining the entry points in the organizational structure of Samsung Electronics. Moreover, the study will reveal how the global organizations can engage themselves in several stages of the value chain of Samsung Electronics. B. Research Need and Importance Management Problems Samsung has faced several problems regarding excessive localization. Huge localization had resulted more decentralized structure. It was very disappointing for Samsung group. The global operation of Samsung was not profitable at one point of time. In the year 1998, the organization closed down its few of the electronics factories due to lack of adequate decision making process of regional headquarters (Chang, 2011). Moreover, the organization implemented integration strategy for its employees, but the employee s of Samsung Group rejected this integration strategy. Moreover, the organization faced several labor problems in China. Negative publicity in the blogging community created huge challenge for Samsung in the year 2012. Samsung group is one of the leading mobile phone manufacturers in the world. An ongoing copyright dispute with Apple Inc. over some smart phone technologies affected the brand image of Samsung Group. The organization faced several legal and ethical issues due to the inadequate working condition in the Chinese manufacturing plants. Marketing Research Problems Marketing research activity is time consuming and expensive. Therefore, it is important for the organization to do effective real time research. However, Samsung group has identified

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing Coursework

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing - Coursework Example The paper tells that business-to-business (B2B) marketing describes dealings between businesses which take place in between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or amid a wholesaler and a dealer whereas in business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing transaction takes places between a company and a consumer. There are various characteristics that differentiate B2B marketing from B2C marketing: Market Size In case of B2B firms, there are small and focused customer base whereas in case of B2C firms, they include huge number of customer base. But if compared in terms of monetary values, then investment from each of the customers of B2B firms are much higher than the customers of B2C firms. Along with this, high customer loyalty can be developed in case of B2C process but it is quite low in the case of B2B. Buying Process The buying process of B2B firms is much longer and includes many people whereas the buying process of B2C is much smaller and at times can be a single step process. In case of B2B marketing, customer loyalty is acquired by the word-of-mouth but in case of B2C marketing, it grows by mass adoption process. Selling Process The selling processes within B2B and B2C are vastly different. The B2B marketing process includes many efficient and highly trained individuals, distributors and business partners, in order to accomplish the tasks as well as to maintain a good relation with the customers, which can be beneficial in the long run. In B2C marketing process, the selling procedure is very small and highly skilled persons are not essential. (Raisinghani, 2004). Reduced Capital Commitment and Less Overproduction As production is usually based on the actual demand, so overproduction does not take place in case of B2C marketing processes but in case of the B2B process, overproduction is necessary to meet the sudden arising requirements of the customers. The production in case of B2B process is based on inventory of accumulated warehouse rather than actual customer demand. As in B2C process production takes place according to the demand of the customer, so less capital is invested as well as less cost is associated with stock keeping operations. In case of B2B process, high amount of capital is indulged in the stock keeping process which brings in the requirement of high investment. B2C marketing process requires less staffs whereas B2B marketing requires large number of efficient staffs (Raisinghani, 2004). From the point of view of a marketing manager of an office supply based company, the promotional media which can be highly beneficial for promoting their products in relation to the above stated characteristics is online media via internet and by newspaper advertisements. If internet is used in the promotion process, then it would be highly beneficial as it would help to attract more customers and increase the market share by endorsing innovative products to the customers according to their needs and wants. This can enhance the brand image as well as the market size of the company. Moreover, it can also be advantageous for increasing the profitability of the firm. In order to increase the customer loyalty and satisfaction, new innovative office supply products with varied benefits according to the needs and wants of the customers should be launched and promoted through both online media and newspaper advertisements. This is required in order to make the customers aware about the benefits of the products and to attract them towards the brand. It can also enhance the market share by increasing the number of purchasing made, thereby improving the profitability of the organisation (Oracle Corporation, 2010). The online media as well as newspaper advertisements can also play a part in the selling process as they can highlight all the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week 3-Individual small Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week 3-Individual small - Assignment Example nvolved in the creation of Affordable Care Act mainly include reviewing whether there lays the necessity of making any sort of change in the current health insurance plans and identifying the new subsidies that may help in providing any sort of financial assistance among others. In contrast, the steps followed in the generation of Clinton Healthcare Reforms generally included making healthcare coverage plans that are affordable to all, making quality improvements in treatment procedures and bringing simplicity in the procedure among others (Cannan, 2013). It can be affirmed that the step of communicating the Americans about the message about the affordability of effective healthcare insurance plans eventually contributed in making the failure of Clinton Healthcare Reforms. Conversely, the step i.e. modernizing as well as upgrading the existing healthcare system in the US eventually emerged as one of the success factors of Affordable Care Act (Cannan, 2013). The stakeholders of both Clinton Healthcare Reforms and Affordable Care Act can be ascertained as corporate leaders, industry shareholders along with centrist academics and most vitally the community members prevailing within varied societies in the US (Cannan, 2013). The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism. (2014). What is the difference between Obama and Clintons health care plans? Retrieved from