Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Phone Marketing A Critical Analysis Assignment

Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Phone Marketing A Critical Analysis - Assignment Example There is lack of clarity in conceptualization, and consequentially, in Operationalization of the concept, that is, measurement of the variables consisting of specific observations.   â€Å"Consumer perceptions of mobile phone marketing† has been relegated to the second place as an ‘incidental factor’ which could be inferred from the author’s statement, â€Å"Thus, it is proposed that a consumers level of involvement with their mobile phone will influence their decision to adopt or reject marketing communications sent via this channel†    Internet, telephone, and media are converging with greater velocity.   The mobile phone is the property of the user.   When his mobile phone is used without his consent for marketing, his initial reaction may be indifference or negative.  Ã‚  Ã‚  The individual’s perception is dependant upon the utility derived by him.   Therefore, blending utility aspect in marketing is necessary to improve the consumers’ perception.   Advertising through SMS is gaining momentum as a part of mobile marketing, and the marketing strategies of trade and business can’t ignore mobile phones in the field of advertising.   The sample does not represent the population meaningfully.   The samples used in the methodology might have been suitable for mobile phone usage in Colleges and Universities.   The observations would be homogenous as it will not reflect the disparities in income in the society.   Important factors such as such as income levels, age group, business or employment background, educational backgrounds etc. have no bearing on the samples selected for observation and analysis. The original study examined â€Å"how a consumers perception of the relative advantages, compatibility and complexity associated with mobile phone marketing, and their involvement with their mobile  phone, influenced their intention to accept marketing communication sent via this channel.†

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