Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The New Mecca free essay sample

He admits falling in love with everything he perceived in Dubai even the hotels. As he continued talking about Dubai, he introduced the reader with the history of Dubai. He informs that few years ago there was only sand. Dubai has improved a lot in a very short amount of time. He gets amazed at the beauty of Dubai; however, he gets surprised twice the amount of that because of the difference between the reality of Dubai and what people think about Dubai. The author mentions numerous examples where he meets lower class working people and sees them suffering. However, he realizes that those lower class working people don’t apprehend that. They think they are lucky enough to stay in Dubai. The author finds this gap between what these people think is happening and what’s happening in reality which makes him feel helpless and miserable. He expresses the urge of helping them in his essay; still ends up not doing it because according to him it’s not his job to fix it. We will write a custom essay sample on The New Mecca or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author starts his essay with what people think Dubai is. As he moves forward he talks about what the reality is behind all these misapprehensions. By the end of the essay he concedes that everyone has been victimized by this fallacy. The main focus of this essay is the realization of the author about this gap between the conceptuality and the reality about Dubai and how all these lower class people there are the victims of this. Throughout the author’s journey in Dubai, he got to meet a lot of lower class people who have been working there for years. He got to talk to them and ask them personal questions to get to know them better. He came across people who originated there years ago with hopes and dreams of improving their lifestyle. They have been working hard ever since. The author tells the readers that sometimes these employees get their passport taken away by the people they work for. They work almost twenty four hours every week since they arrived here. Although, they don’t even get paid enough. They have been treated horribly. However these people don’t tend to be bothered by this at all. They assumes that they would have worse life if they there were back in home. When the author was talking to the Kenyan security guard who works fourteen hours a day he realized that these people don’t understand that they are not being treated the way they are supposed to. The author asked a waiter about when he wants to get married and when he wants to go back to is country. The waiter replied that we will earn more money and then he’d like to go back to get married. These people are needy. So they come here with the hope of having a better life. As they don’t know their rights and they come from worse environment, they upper class people take advantage of it by treating them poorly. Then these lower class suffering people do not recognize this for their lack of understanding. The author brings up political and terrorists issues near the end of his essay. He mentions all the countries around Dubai are in a messed up situation because of their several religion and fanatic ruling reasons. As Dubai is the only stable rich country among the region it progressed more than any countries ever did in that short amount of time. But then it raises the question that who is doing all these works and where is it even getting all these money from? At the dinner where the author was having a conversation about Dubai bank system, one person who knows all about these mentions that Al- Qaeda is not attacking Dubai because they have their money reserved here. In a result al- Qaeda helps Dubai and vice versa. After having that conversation with friends, the author came to the grasp that there might be more truth to learn about Dubai. This whole thing made him question himself more about what’s right and wrong. The author understood that the world sees half the truth and there’s this other half of the truth always hidden behind the curtain. This realization affected the author so bad that he ended up thanking the god for not giving him a critical mind to think more deeply about these. He stated, â€Å"Good point, I say, thanking God in my heart that I am not a real Investigative Journalist. Dubai has been modernized in only last couple of years. Even though it has everything reorganized it still looks like an ancient city. Everyone falls in love with the place the moment they get here. The author mentioned that he feels amazing here and if he could he would never go back from there. He is not the only person to think that. The people that come from different region such as South Asia Africa to work there hope to stay there forever too. They think they are leading a great life there. They don’t understand the harsh reality of being treated ill. The author brings up the consumerism theory as one of the explanation. He stated, â€Å"Man, it occurs to me, is a joyful, buying-and-selling piece of work. I have been wrong, dead wrong, when I’ve decried consumerism. Consumerism is what we are. It is, in a sense, a holy impulse. A human being is someone who joyfully goes in pursuit of things, brings them home, and then immediately starts planning how to get more. A human being is someone who wishes to improve his lot. † Human tend to improve his situation. He always wants to get more than what he already has. Saunders brings up this topic in his essay as he’s looking for an answer that why people go there and work so hard but did not realize that their rights have been violated. The main issue of this essay is what people think and what the reality that people don’t see is. People only believed what they see. Thus somehow everyone has been victimized of this problem. Human beings live in a state of confusion where they can’t see pass through the phony. That is why the author has stated, â€Å"In all things, we are the victims of The Misconception From Afar. There is the idea of a city, and the city itself, too great to be held in the mind. And it is in this gap (between the conceptual and the real) that aggression begins. † The author started his essay with what he thought about Dubai before coming here and what he started thinking after coming here. He provided numerous short and interesting stories throughout the whole essay. Through those essays he starts showing the readers how there’s a gap between the reality and conceptuality. By the end of the essay he proves his point that Dubai is not what we think it is. As the author successfully provided information on this aspect, it is liable that the main issue of the essay was the gap between the reality and the conceptuality.

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